Airport Driver Training

Training Process

To obtain an AOA Driver’s Credential on a SIDA badge, all applicants must complete the Airport’s Ground Vehicle Driver Training Course and demonstrate a clear understanding of the presented curriculum. The program material includes DSM Driver Training Manual, as well as other various printed and electronic training aids. After completing the required training program, all applicants must complete and pass a written exam. Finally, those individuals attempting to obtain movement area access must pass an AOA Driver’s Check Ride, requiring the applicant to exhibit to the driving instructor the ability to operate a vehicle safely on the airport’s movement area.

Annual recurrent training is required for all movement area drivers in order to maintain driving privileges on the AOA. In the event a driver fails to complete annual recurrent driver training, the AOA Driver’s SIDA badge will be deactivated and all driving privileges revoked by the Authority until all required training has been completed.



 DSM Driver Training Video
 Current Airfield Diagram
 Current Construction Closures